(888) 724-8890 greg@gregfolkins.com

What is Greg Folkins Advertising Photography

Customers are individuals and individuals are visual. Photos and images are the key elements that draw your specific audience to your advertisement or marketing campaign. Greg Folkins Photography produces dynamic visual photography art that captures your customer’s attention and considerably enhances the chances of somebody continuing to study your advertisement.

Greg Folkins Advertising Photography photographs a variety of items, spaces or services that are not just of the top tier highest quality, but also fascinating, engaging and distinctive. Greg Folkins imaginative photography not only directs the customer’s interest in your ad, but also prompts the consumer to purchase the product or service.

What Does Greg Folkins Advertising Photography Do

Most of Greg Folkins marketing photography is produced while the product or service is being used within its natural surroundings or against a blank background. Greg generally teams up with your art department or advertising department to develop certain visuals and pictures relevant to your customer’s interest and curiosity. Step one of every ad photography job is to get a clear understanding of the style of pictures needed and the message the advertisement will communicate. In a group environment, Greg will coordinate with you or your marketing and creative department to determine the interior or exterior professional lighting requirements. Appropriate props, professional models or service staff models to be included will also be planned. Advertisements featuring specialists offering a service will typically entail the personnel or customers themselves to be the subjects in the photographs. Post-production or digital development and editing of the final advertising photography art is included.

Who is Greg Folkins

Greg Folkins Photography specializes in creating advertising photographs for print advertisement campaigns such as magazine ads, brochures, trade show material and catalogs, but can often be featured in web campaigns, television advertisements, banners and billboards. Greg Folkins is a nationally recognized, award-winning photographer available throughout the United States and abroad. Greg has more than 21 years industry experience working with the top advertising agencies and commercial organizations throughout the country. He is an active standing member of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) and Professional Photographer of America (PPA). Greg is a proud military veteran, serving 6 years in the U.S. Coast Guard as military photographer.


Advertising Photography in Shreveport LA

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Advertising Photography in Shreveport LA

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Advertising Photography in Shreveport LA